best 'selfie' App launched by google ?

Now a days every buddy like like to take selfie in there amazing smart phone which comes with amazing camera. soo, a App name Selfissimo launched by google which has unexpected features. You love this app.

Strike a pose and the camera will definitely love you! Selfissimo! uses experimental research technology from Google to capture photos automatically each time you pose, encouraging you to capture your best self.


Start a photoshoot and Selfissimo! snaps a photo each time you stop moving. Change poses or move the phone a little to retrigger. End with a tap, then save/share individual images or the entire shoot

Using Selfissimo! is incredibly straightforward. When you open the app, it takes you to a landing screen with a Start button. Then, when you’re ready, tap that button and you’re taken into a black-and-white view of your phone’s front-facing camera. From there, treat it like a photoshoot: The app will automatically snap an image each time you stop moving. The app will continue to snap pose after pose until you tap the screen, which tells it to stop.


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